TIVO C00221 TiVo(R) Replacement Remote Controls up to 2 devices including most TiVo(R) boxes & TVs; Compatible with any TiVo(R) Series2(TM) DVR, Humax(R) & AT&T(R) Broadband, TiVo(R) HD, TiVo(R) Series3(TM), TiVo(R) Premiere & TiVo(R) Premiere XL, Philips(R) or Hughes(R) DVR including the DIRECTV(R) DVR with TiVo(R) service; Not compatible with Nero LiquidTV(TM), Sony(R) DVRs, Humax(R) DVD recorders or Toshiba(R) DVD players with TiVo(R) service; Dim: 1.2"H x 2.2"W x 8.2"D; Requires 2 AA batteries; Not in retail packaging
Product is Discontinued; Warranty NINETY DAYS BRAND : TIVO