Prince Lionheart's Balance bike teaches your child how to balance - a crucial skill necessary before transitioning to a two-wheeled pedal bicycle. Your child's sense of independence and self-confidence will become evident as they learn to balance and steer at their own pace: first walking, then gliding! Designed for comfort and ease of portability, the Prince Lionheart balance bike's solid birch wood frame weighs less than 10lbs, has a height adjustable seat, wide and stable 12 rubber tires, and comfortable handgrips. o Teaches young children balance, steering and coordination o Great transition from ride on toys o 100% birch wood frame o Height adjustable, padded seat o 12 rubber tires o Solid rubber handgrips For children ages 2 - 5
Model: 7600
Dimensions: 25.00 (Length) 6.00 (Width) 12.00 (Height) Additional Details\N UPC : 49345076004