Genre: UNCLASSIFIED In the late 80s, a few kids in the small, sleepy Southern town of Little Rock, AR discovered punk rock and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) ethic that drove it. Unlike other towns, Little Rock's punk scene was composed almost entirely of Jr. High and High School kids. There was no precedent for youth cult music in Little Rock and the kids had to invent their scene every step of the way. During the next decade, they would book their own shows, start record labels, open record stores, play with large national acts and formulate a collective set of ideals. But most of all, they would build a community that was all their own. In 1992, they released Towncraft, a compilation album and zine that documented their scene and thrust them onto the national punk stage. By the mid 90s, punk rock had entered the mainstream and the Little Rock scene had passed its apex. The next 10 years would see the remaining scenesters struggle to redefine themselves in Little Rock. They integrated themselves into new bands, branched out into different genres and fought to find the place for music in their lives as they reached their early 30s. Towncraft focuses on the roots of the Little Rock scene, how it changed the lives of those involved, the enormous DIY ethos that has shaped the scene for the past 20 years, and how the scene continues to thrive outside of the mainstream. Additional Details BRAND : TOWNCRAFT SKU : 881131000837 UPC : 881131000837