Hand Painted - Large Glass Heart Bottle with Decorative Cork Top - 6 oz. & 2 matching 6 oz. Glass Champagne Flutes
The Blending of the Sands or Sand Wedding Ceremony is fast replacing the traditional Unity Candle. Because of it's hand painted beauty and amazing functionality, today's Bride and Groom have made this our most popular wedding set ever.
Each of them pours sand from their own flute into the matching heart shaped bottle. Once securely closed with the decorative cork top, this unique bottle symbolizes their unity and will be displayed for years to come. The two champagne flutes are now ready for all the wedding toasts and will be enjoyed at anniversaries and celebrations throughout their marriage.
Design chosen for this Heart Bottle with Two Matching Champagne Flutes Set:HEARTS OF FIRE
DESIGN DESCRIPTION: Beauty and elegance wrapped up in hand painted hearts melded of red, gold and silver create a design for expressing love. Exceed every expectation, give the gift that will be treasured for a lifetime. A not-for-lovers-only design, we recently filled an order from a customer who was giving a set to her daughter to celebrate the arrival of a new grandchild. Additional Details