Relationship decisions come down to five crucial components, according to Bishop Jakes: Research--gathering information and collecting data; Roadwork--removing obstacles and clearing the path; Rewards--listing choices and imaging their consequences; Revelation--narrowing your options and making your selection; Rearview--looking back and adjusting as necessary to stay on course. This book gets you on the right track to making decisions that you'll be proud of and reap the benefits of for the rest of your life, as will the generations that follow you. He gives you insight on how to reflect, discern, and decide the next step to take to have a strong and enduring love, marriage, and family. The Bishop takes a spiritual and practical approach to inherently emotional issues such as the outside influences on our relationships, coping with anger, parenting, financial concerns, negotiating high-profile lives, and more.--From publisher description. Title: Before You Do Author: Jakes, T. D. Publisher: Pocket Books Publication Date: 2008/09/16 Number of Pages: 302 Binding Type: HARDCOVER Library of Congress: 2008031169 Additional Details\N