The design of this breathtaking ring is very striking. There are Diamonds ALL OVER the place! They are set in white gold, and they seem to create a network of leaves that criss cross, inside beaded edges of gold. The centerstone is beautiful, and is just the color you were looking for. Wait until next time to buy it, and it won't be here. Metal_Stamp:14k Metal_Type:yellow-gold Metal_Weight:4.3 Metal_Weight_Unit_of_Measure:GR Height:6.5 Width:6 Length:0 HXWXL_Unit_of_Measure:MM Ring_Size:9 Is_Resizeable: Earring_Back_Finding: Chain_Type: Clasp_Type: Gem_Type_1:green-tourmaline Gem_Cut_1:very-good-cut Gem_Color_1:green Gem_Clarity_1:I1 Gem_Shape_1:round-shape Gem_Weight_1:0.75 Gem_1_Lab_Created: Gem_1_Inscription:no Gem_Type_2:diamond Gem_Cut_2:very-good-cut Gem_Color_2:I Gem_Clarity_2:I2 Gem_Shape_2:round-brilliant-shape Gem_Weight_2:0.25 Gem_2_Lab_Created: Gem_2_Inscription:no Gem_Type_3: Gem_Cut_3: Gem_Color_3: Gem_Clarity_3: Gem_Shape_3: Gem_Weight_3: Gem_3_Lab_Created: Gem_3_Inscription: Total_Diamond_Weight:0.25 Total_Gem_Weight:0.75 Pearl_Type: Pearl_Color: Pearl_Lustre: Pearl_Shape: Pearl_Uniformity: Pearl_Blemish: Pearl_Stringing_Method: Size_of_Pearls: Number_of_Pearls: Additional Details